The Continuing Evolution of Celebrity Word Scramble

If at first you don’t succeed, try…try…again! I launched Celebrity Word Scramble (CWS) in June 2022 with four books, Television, Music, Basketball and Football. In November 2022, we began posting a daily puzzle on the CWS Facebook page. We also launched a CWS website. My hope was that folks who did the daily puzzle on […]
Creating Celebrity Word Scramble Carolina Basketball

When I see a list of names, I immediately jump to the possibility that the names could be turned into a new Celebrity Word Scramble (CWS) book. Imagine my excitement when I visited the Carolina Basketball Museum on the campus of the University of North Carolina and saw the largest list of names I have […]
The Evolution of Celebrity Word Scramble

I love 19th century English literature and one of my favorite authors is Anthony Trollope. He chronicled the life of the clergy, mid-level government workers, the British aristocracy, and a host of others. In his attempt to add some levity to his works, he created a multitude of terrific character names; Farmer Subsoil, Doctor Fillgrave, […]
Introduction to Word Puzzles

Puzzles are enjoyed globally in various forms. Whether they are mathematical, logical or simply word puzzles, people enjoy spending time solving them. Not only are these puzzles competitive and challenging, they can actually change the human mind for better, all the while entertaining us. What is a puzzle? The word “puzzle” has been around since […]
Mindblowing Benefits of Word Scramble

Word scrambles puzzles have been a part of people’s lives on a daily basis due to appearing in newspapers and puzzle books. Some puzzle enthusiasts find them both entertaining and challenging while others find them a way to bond with family over breakfast. Here are some of the great benefits of word scramble that you […]
Best Word Jumble and Crossword Puzzle Books For Your Spare Time

Word puzzles, whether crossword puzzles, word jumbles or word search are now a part of people’s lives both as a means of fun as well as to warm up those brain cells for a healthy mental state. Just like exercising to keep your body fit and not deteriorate with age, you need to indulge in […]