Bill Maier

Bill and Martin Maier

Celebrity Word Scramble

Embark on an intellectually stimulating and fun journey with Celebrity Word Scramble (CWS) puzzle books. Spark your synapses with puzzles on a variety of interesting topics including TV stars, famous musicians, and hall of fame football and basketball players. If you love Carolina Basketball you will love our newest book which is a celebration of Tar Heel basketball history.

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Learn more about Celebrity Word Scramble

Celebrity Word Scramble offers interesting, mind challenging puzzles on different topics including sports, music, history and pop culture. 


About Us

About Bill Maier

Bill Maier resides in Carrboro, North Carolina with his wife Annie. Bill graduated from the University of Maryland with a degree in Journalism before settling into a 28-year career in consumer product sales. He has been doing word search and word jumble puzzles all his life.

About Martin Maier

Martin Maier resides in Merritt Island, Florida with his wife Kim. Martin graduated from the University of Maryland with a degree in Film Studies. Before recently retiring, he worked for over 35 years in digital publishing and graphic design.

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