Bill Maier

The Continuing Evolution of Celebrity Word Scramble

If at first you don’t succeed, try…try…again! I launched Celebrity Word Scramble (CWS) in June 2022 with four books, Television, Music, Basketball and Football. In November 2022, we began posting a daily puzzle on the CWS Facebook page. We also launched a CWS website. My hope was that folks who did the daily puzzle on […]

Creating Celebrity Word Scramble Carolina Basketball

When I see a list of names, I immediately jump to the possibility that the names could be turned into a new Celebrity Word Scramble (CWS) book. Imagine my excitement when I visited the Carolina Basketball Museum on the campus of the University of North Carolina and saw the largest list of names I have […]

Puzzle Answers182

(Puzzle#182) Solution: Puzzle Words First Word: WEDGE Second Word: GROCER Third Word: PROOFFourth Word: NOISE SCRAMBLED: DGGOPOONS First Name: SNOOP Last Name: DOGG

Puzzle Answers181

(Puzzle#181) Solution: Puzzle Words First Word: TRUTHSecond Word: DONUTThird Word: INHALEFourth Word: FROWN SCRAMBLED: RHDONAROW First Name: RON Last Name: HOWARD

Puzzle Answers180

(Puzzle#180) Solution: Puzzle Words First Word: COUPONSecond Word: HUDDLEThird Word: MISERYFourth Word: ATTACK SCRAMBLED: OPONHLMSYTAK First Name: KLAY Last Name: THOMPSON

Puzzle Answers178

(Puzzle#178) Solution: Puzzle Words First Word: POTATOSecond Word: THEORYThird Word: VIRUSFourth Word: ADMIRE SCRAMBLED: AERYVSADI First Name: RAY Last Name: DAVIES

Puzzle Answers177

(Puzzle#177) Solution: Puzzle Words First Word: REGRETSecond Word: KENNELThird Word: HAMPERFourth Word: SWIFT SCRAMBLED: RTKELAPEF First Name: PETER Last Name: FALK

Puzzle Answers176

(Puzzle#176) Solution: Puzzle Words First Word: LEAGUESecond Word: ELOPEThird Word: ARCTICFourth Word: COUGH SCRAMBLED: LEGEPAROUG First Name: PAUL Last Name: GEORGE

Puzzle Answers174

(Puzzle#174) Solution: Puzzle Words First Word: WISDOMSecond Word: STANDThird Word: LEAVEFourth Word: PROFIT SCRAMBLED: IDOMSNAOFT First Name: FATS Last Name: DOMINO

Puzzle Answers171

(Puzzle#171) Solution: Puzzle Words First Word: CAMPUSSecond Word: STRONGThird Word: GLORYFourth Word: BALLET SCRAMBLED: AMPUTROLOYAL First Name: TROY Last Name: POLAMALU